Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Weeping Beech

I received this message from the Weeping Beech tree at the Holden Arboretum in Kirtland, Ohio:

   "Flowing, hanging, just being oneself on a warm summer's day.
Letting go, allowing, being. Just stepping into who you are. Who are
you? You are as the energy flows. You are the quiet and flowing energy
of the Oneness.  You walk in peaceful steps; not knowing, just being
and feeling. You are the energy of the Sun shining your light
brightly. You walk as in slow motion, enjoying each step, celebrating
each movement, resting, being. A simple life. Don't make it
complicated. Where is the music playing? Follow the music. Can you
hear the joyous voice? Follow that and never look back. Be as free and
carefree as you can."
  "No one has ever asked me for a message before. This is an honor.
As I grow in abundance here, I feel the breezes that come across the
fields. I feel the Sun with its rays giving me life and nourishment. I
sing all day long. I sing to the Earth and from it. This is a restful
place for me. The beings who visit here are not so much in a hurry and
that is restful and pleasant for me. This is a happy place. I do not
think I'd want to be anywhere else. There is so much singing and love
here and it is really pleasant for the soul."
  Simple, not strained. Live simply. Can you take a deep breath?  It
is good for the soul. Sing your song and play your music and you will
find rest and joy in your life. Hum with the Earth. It has a joyous,
deep hum. The planet is breathing, in and out, and singing its own
tune. You can tune into it and feel it as you wish. It is all very
simple. Can you sing with me? Can you flow with me? It's all done in
rhythm. It may be hard for me to stop once I get going. You can slide
perfectly into your own rhythm. Make it simple."

Inside the Weeping Beech

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