Monday, November 25, 2019

An Interview With the Tree People / part 2

Doug:  What is the most important thing we humans should know or realize?
Trees:  That you are trapped in a web of your own doing. You are prisoners of your own limited belief systems. You 'believe' what you are told instead of 'knowing' what you already know. Trust your inner knowing and act according to your feelings and what your heart tells you. In doing so, you will be free. You will be natural and the highest God part of you will ecstatically take over your mind and bodies. Even though we are securely anchored to the ground and cannot lift up our feet and run off, we are free. Our hearts are clear and light and full of joy. We are free because we are natural and living our true and joyous purpose. There is no one telling us what we 'should' do. We are clear channels of spirit and we never doubt our God status.

Doug:  Can you provide individual guidance for people?
Trees:  What we are very happy to do is assist individuals in becoming clear and open to their own higher guidance. We provide a higher frequency, one that enables a person to talk things over with himself, sort things out, and 'hear' his divine self. We are Enablers. What also helps is the silica in our leaves. It assists to amplify your consciousness, to open it up to yourself and greatly decrease the distractions that generally rule your lives. You already are your highest and best guidance. We are happy to make you aware of this. You are, however, welcome to believe it's coming from us.

Doug:  Can trees predict the future?
Trees:  Yes, although it is fluid. We feel what the Earth feels. We feel the ebb and flow of energies all over the planet. We feel Love as it strengthens or weakens in the human kingdom. Everything is in the Earth and in the air and we are, at all times, connected to it. We sense what is coming and flowing and we know what the humans are creating and planning to do. We also sense what Mother Earth is creating and intending as well. We would like to say that Love is increasing on the planet at this time. It is spreading everywhere and we know this to be a trend that will continue. This is changing everything and our future is bright with strong spiritual energy and light available for all beings whose intentions flow with Love. It is like an ecstatic wave that has already approached the shore and nothing can stop it.

Doug:  Do you have anything else you wish to say?
Trees:  We love you. We love our existence and our purpose. We love the sun and its energy as it shines on us and provides us with nourishment. We love our planet and all its life. We accept you for who you are and celebrate you. We invite you to love all of creation as well. Thank you.

(This message was published in the January 2015 issue of Sedona Journal)

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