Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Fairy Tree

Sketch by Bettie Mavity

This is the original message I received from The Fairy Tree (October 2013) at the entrance to Shirley's Woods in western Pennsylvania. (One of its huge limbs came crashing to the Earth on June 16, 2016, during a surprise 'micro-burst' windstorm).  It is a very big old Sugar Maple with lots of energy. When I placed my hands on its huge trunk I could feel it moving and undulating against my palms with waves of energy. I've never experienced this before with any tree! 

"It is magical here and energetic. I feel energized and renewed. I never give up. I send out waves of energy in concentric circles to help everyone move into ecstatic beingness. That is where I am at this point. I am inhabited by many spirits. They give me a lot of energy and personality. The spirits were dancing inside me that day and so was I. That is what you felt. Moving in Joy. Colors giving off Colors in Waves. Dancing with Energy."

"Whoever enters these woods will dance a thousand dances. You will move with style. What was that you were thinking? --it will come right into your face and you will know the truth. To all who enter here: be ready to confront yourself and be ready to dance in joy. That is why you feel so good here. It is a fairy dance. They are lively here; watch out, they may tickle you! You have to watch yourself. To all who enter into this woods: if you are not pure of heart, you will wonder what is happening to you. Something won't feel right and you will turn around and run out as fast as you can. Fairies and spirits look out my windows or sit on my branches. They know who is wise and who is not. They know who is of the heart. They know who you are. They are lively, this bunch! Even an old owl sits with me, not in his costume, and he hoots and hollers and practically springs a leak when he is excited." 

"As for me, I am old and getting older, but I find it all very amusing and I am constantly making adjustments to stay here. I can laugh long and hard you know. I don't want to go yet. It's really too much fun you know. I have life-long friends. The spirits are very adaptable to me and my humor. If you want to talk to me you better have a sense of humor. I can out-do you in the humor department. So, if you should see me dancing at night, don't be surprised, it's in my nature. Nobody ever said I was stuck here. I love coming out of my skin! Joyous times to all."  

The Fairy Tree (through Doug Davis) 

Melodie Peterson (left) reading her message from the Fairy Tree

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