Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Spirit of the Hemlock Tree

Light of the Fire!
Light of the Trees!
Light of the Moon!
Forgive - Forgive - Forgive
Celestial realms
Celestial heights
Forgive forever
Face your fears and let them go.
What a celebration we are having!
Dance tonight and sleep well.
Remember the Moon!

Bright sunshine awaits for those who heed our advice. It is your bright inner sunshine. Your inner Sun will shine forth for all to feel. Great radiance and healing shall take place. Oh, we are so happy you chose us this morning. Thank you! We are celebrating your arrival. This so rarely happens. Blessed are you.

A river flows and soothes the soul and pushes you up and beyond who you think you are. Go beyond your limits. What you think you can do, you can do more. Like us, you are brave of heart and spirit. It is in the Silence that you have "right" hearing. Your inner God will speak to you then. Oh, yes, please come to us for peace. The direction shall be shown and our peace will help. Knowledge of the entire Universe is within us and within you. You may access it here.

I am the Hemlock Being. I can speak for all the Hemlocks or you can access them directly. I may not look so pretty to you, but I am happy beyond your belief to be of this appearance and nature. Speak not when you wish to know something, for it is all there; but you must allow the Silence. It is great. It is all great. You are Greatness and you have forgotten. Climb high and don't look back. Just go and do it. We are spokespersons for all the trees, although all trees can communicate directly with you. We are spokespersons with a vast array of knowledge and we are always willing to talk. The hawk circles overhead and knows you are here. We are all connected. Connect - connect with all beings and you will create many, many joyous occasions.

What a celebration we are having!
Dance tonight and sleep well.
Remember the Moon!

--The Eastern Hemlock grows joyously throughout the Northeast U.S. and other areas.

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