Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Tree People

A Message from the Tree People through Douglas Davis:

(Published in the December 2014 issue of Sedona Journal)

We have never felt so hopeful as we do now.  For we know that in the
coming year more of Earth's people will fall in love with trees. More
of you will awaken to the great wisdom of trees and come to appreciate
us for the grand conscious beings we are.  This will be a great step
forward for the planet. Some people will see a tree 'for the first
time,' so to speak, and gaze at it in wonderment, while asking
themselves how it is they never noticed one of us before, and never
felt the life force of such a magnificent being in the past.

Although we are rooted into your 3rd dimensional soil, we are beings
of the 5th dimension. We are love and joy in physical manifestation on
your planet. We bring the consciousness of peace, stillness, pure
bliss, and unconditional love for all humans who wish to understand
these energies. Some of you do not recognize this because you do not
see it in yourselves and you do not remember who you really are. We
are complete and total bliss. This is how we feel most of the time, on
any given day, no matter the chaos that may be going on around us. On
rare occasions, one of us may feel sensitive to noise, fear, or anger
from the humans. But, normally we grow and reach for the sky in
ecstatic vibration and joy. We know who we are. We are beings of light
and love and great wisdom and are ready to share these attributes with
anyone willing to listen and feel our heartbeat.

Our planet is growing and expanding in light. For those sensitive
enough to see, our energy fields are expanding. They are brighter and
more exuberant.  We are aware of the energy fields of humans and their
intentions. When we feel something, we know and trust it to be true.
Let's go humans!  You need to do the same. That which you feel in your
bodies is your inner guidance. However, your thinking minds stop you
in your tracks. They back you up and keep you from moving or expanding
your life. You don't need physical proof of anything. The truth is
always known by your inner being. You contact this truth through
feeling. That is your proof.

We can tell you there is great heart energy building on your planet.
In the coming cycle of time you refer to as 2015, there will be more
water made available in areas where it is badly needed, plus a greater
balance of nature as more and more humans become balanced in their own
male and female energies. There will be more communication with nature
and the trees, plus a much greater awareness that you can create the
right balance of resources for the planet and for yourselves. We feel
relieved and happy for you and happy for ourselves.

More and more individual humans will begin to experience periods of
bliss and great inner peace, seemingly for no reason. You will
suddenly find yourselves in a blissful state and you will wonder why.
You are becoming more of who you really are. This is not something
unusual and you do not need to ask your friends and doctors if there
is something wrong with you!  Just enjoy it and go with it. You are
simply surrendering to the expansion of love and light taking place
within the totality of your being. You are returning to the light in
consciousness, and so are your bodies. The coming cycle of time you
refer to as 2015 will be known as the Return to Bliss and Lightness of

When a gentle wind blows we are speaking. We will speak more in the
coming times and, therefore, you will notice more gentle and glorious
winds. The winds will feel different to you, they will feel softer and
more loving, with a refined and higher energy. They will carry
messages that help to stir something magnificent inside you. Be with
nature all you can. It will assist you more than ever in your
ascension and unfolding into greater freedom, and in remembering your
path of higher purpose and joy.

Douglas Davis / 440-317-1463 /

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful message. I like the feeling of the higher energies of peace emanating from your words as I read them. The new pictures of the trees are lovely.
