Sunday, April 10, 2016

The President

I received this message from the giant Sequoia tree in California known as The President.

Love is how I got to be this tall. I am a testament to love. I know when the Earth is going to move. I know the Earth well. She means everything to me. She is our life blood. As much energy flows through me in a day as flows in and out of a small city. There is enough light in you, in your true state, to light up the entire planet.
It is not "I", it is "We". "We" is much closer to describing you or me than "I". There is no "I". "I" brings a sense of separation. "We" brings a connection. We are together. We are insightful. We are inseparable.
Don't be weighed down by life. Be free. Always look up, always look on the bright side. Look to the Sun for inspiration. Look to yourself for love and freedom. Be light of Spirit always.

The President

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