Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Planetary Tree / part 2

(Published in the December 2010 issue of Sedona Journal)

"My family of trees now speaks the following: 'We are the Trees. Our energy is all over this planet. We are all connected. We vibrate at the higher frequency that many of you have been striving for and talking about. We have been showing you 'the way' since the beginning of life here. We have always shown you the way, but in your attempt to prove that you are the most advanced and intelligent beings on the planet, or the entire Universe, you have failed to look in your own backyards or in your parks or forests. You have ignored us and treated us with indignity. You cut us down if we get in your way. If you would only look at us and ask us for help, we would be so honored to teach you and help you with your issues, your transitioning, and your desire to bring about a peaceful and loving world. We communicate with one another via a web, a very strong web that connects all of us, every tree on the planet. We know what our friends are thinking and feeling. A tree in Ohio knows when a tree in China has been cut down. We know when a fellow tree is happy and growing. We know when you are troubled or happy, and we know when we are loved or not wanted. There is not just a web for the trees, but likewise a web that connects all humans to one another, and an even more complex web connecting all humans with all trees, plants, animals, and the planet. You will all soon recognize this and your society will shift profoundly. 

'Our frequency is one of love, joy, and community. Isn't that where some of you wish to be? We love our experiences. We love the stillness, the feelings of peace and love, and our ability to communicate with all the life on this world. We love our forms and our abilities to adapt to so many different climates and conditions. And we love being creative, coming up with so many different colors, shapes and sizes to fit what is needed. We believe in ourselves! We are focused on providing for the planet. We know our life giving oxygen is beneficial to you. We are heartfelt in our approach to being here. What can we give? What more can we provide? We love to create like an artist loves to paint with a brush: some reds here, some yellows there, a soft touch here, some light or darkness over there. It is a joy to come up with interesting designs all over the world. Out here on this beautiful planet, we sing to each other and to Gaia. Oh, what a wonderful existence. It is usually very quiet for us and we never let a little noise bother us, unless it's a harsh one. Some of us are very sensitive to hatred, though, and it can affect us negatively.

'If you would all just stop and 'simply be' instead of hurrying around so fast, you would feel joyful relief. You are actually moving into a consciousness that we have tried to model for you since the Beginning. Yours will also be one of stillness and peace, one of openness and non-judgement, one of love for self and all others, and one of reaching out to others. You will constantly ask: What can I give you? How can I help? What may I provide? You will be in a state of loving connection with all beings and in a frequency of creating from your heart, not your mind. 

'We have seen the history of your planet. It is all within our collective memories and inner vision to pull up anytime we wish or whenever asked. It is not what you have been taught or wish it to be. Please sit next to a tree and ask for a history lesson. Ask to be shown what your land looked like two thousand years ago and it will be given to you in your mind's eye and felt in your body. Many of you are concerned about safe places to live in the coming years. We can help to clear your minds of the chatter and allow you to feel the area of Mother Earth that is calling to you. Just sit with us or walk among us and ask your question. 

'Trees are already at a point in time where you wish to be. We are your consciousness in the future. In due time, you will recognize the web that connects you. You will know when a friend 1000 miles away is hurting. You will send a reply to a relative in another state or half a world away via the collective web. You will know what the Earth is feeling. You will feel so very much a part of everything, of the whole, of your famly of humans, and of all life on the Earth. You will feel and experience true community like a member of a planetary symphony. You will never again feel lost and lonely and separated from this family. You will wonder what took you so long. This is how we, the Trees, experience our lives here and now with fields of energy that are in complete harmony and in connection with one another and Gaia. We are already in 5th dimensional consciousness. Should you allow yourselves to come into harmonic resonance with trees, your physical body will heal itself of any maladies. It is not that the trees heal you, it is that you are coming into alignment with your Soul--and the trees are modeling this for you. We ask for nothing, but are given everything. That which we need comes in vast quantities: water, air, sunlight, food, and spirit energy. When you become aware of the Web of Life, you will also ask for nothing, give everything, and receive everything.'

"Thus, I bring you these messages of good news during these incredible times. The trees look forward to connecting with you in greater numbers in the months just ahead. Blessings to you all." The Planetary Tree / end part 2

Douglas Davis / 440-317-1463 / 

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