Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Planetary Tree / part 1

(Published in the December 2010 issue of Sedona Journal magazine)

"I exist on the etheric plane. I cannot be seen by the physical eyes of the human population of this world. My roots go deep into the etheric body of this planet and I am connected to all life, not just the trees. My mission is to convey knowledge and wisdom to the natural world, mainly to all plant beings, and to act as a communicator for Earth to other worlds on the progress that is being made here. I contain the knowledge of the entire Universe. I freely give out that knowledge to all trees and plant life. I am their support system and their connection to one another. My roots form a web connecting to all trees and plant life, thereby activating a vast plant network and further making available knowledge that is occuring within and around the Mother Planet. Perhaps you could refer to me as a Master Tree. 

"At this time, there is great knowledge pouring forth and being released from the Mother Planet, referred to most often by its human inhabitants as Earth. She is preparing for a major shift in her energies. We, as a web and as a sacred community of plant life, can feel the Mother's intense energy and pulse. We can feel her excitement and her love that is now pouring out in streams of ecstasy. Many of the humans are excited, too. Some, though, are confused and in fear. Our Mother is giving off vibrations of joy. It is not likely that your world will be the same for much longer. We have perhaps never felt and experienced such love coming from the planet, the One that nourishes us and loves us and provides all our needs. Over your next two years of time, all humans will feel this love. There will be no escaping it. They will wonder what is happening to them. This is to be a powerful force. Perhaps the most significant energy we are feeling from our beloved nourishing Mother is that the humans will begin to feel the Web of Life they have always been a part of, but could not accept. There will be an undeniable feeling that something greater than yourselves is happening. This will begin to occur within the masses and it will change how you feel about us. You will look at us differently and not be so quick to cut us down and plow us under. Mother Gaia tells us this is happening on a small scale now, but will begin to be felt in the masses soon after the spring equinox in 2011. We are ecstatic. We have been looked upon for too long as expendable and 'in the way of progress.'

"You are all connected to me, too, but your conscious minds do not realize it. They are too busy. You are all too busy believing all the things you have been taught. You are connected to all trees on this planet and all life, including the planet itself. As I stop and feel now a message forthcoming from Mother Earth, I am aware of these thoughts from her: 'In your days and months to come, the idea of thinking you are separate entities from me will slowly dwindle until this belief is no more. Though this process has actually begun, many more of you will look to the stars at night and feel a sacred and ecstatic oneness with the cosmos. This will then trigger a knowingness you are connected to me. A tone will reverberate throughout your bodies and lift your collective vibrations forever. As this tone sounds throughout the collective consciousness of humankind, it will seem to you that many of your worries and concerns are no longer as important as they once were. The stress of your days will being to fall away. I am not saying this change will occur overnight, but it will certainly be felt by a few, then by others, then by many more, then very soon by all. I am happy to bring you this news. I have been waiting a very long time. I am no longer able to contain my joy and I wish to share it with you.'

"As you have just read, Mother Earth herself confirms that a great new energy is building and a magnificent time for all is approaching. You may confirm this information for yourselves by doing the following: Find a quiet spot in Nature where you can lie down with your back upon Mother Earth, or a spot where you can quietly and gently sit with your back against a wise, old tree. At this time, please express your love to our dear Mother planet and to all its life. State your appreciation as well for all she has given and done for you. It is all very simple really. Now ask to know who she is. Say, 'I wish to know who you are and who these trees are.' You do not need to say or do anything else, but to remain in quiet meditation for awhile. You must not be impatient, but simply allow yourself plenty of time and a willingness to focus your attention upon your natural surroundings. When you have been in quiet reverence with Mother for a short time, you will begin to feel a euphoria come into your body. It will gently fill you up completely. At this moment your cells are being rejuvenated and your vibration is being lifted and equaled to that of the planet and the surrounding natural life. The euphoric feeling you experience is the message. This feeling is the confirmation that you will be entering into a permanent joyful resonance with us in the months to come. It is the Mother's communication to you, and through you, that all is in readiness for a major change in how you and the others will view her and feel about her." end part 1  

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