Monday, April 10, 2017

Siberian Spruce of Russia

This is a message from the Siberian Spruce in Russia.  It's not a 'normal' tree message. It's mainly a meditation. I was expecting the usual tree wisdom, but they offered me this awesome meditation.  It works for me to just read it and drift there in my imagination, and I feel such calm and peace. This will work in any woods with any trees.  Doug  

The Meditation offered to us by the Siberian Spruce -- As you enter into our presence, drift slowly, wander slowly. Lose yourself in our presence. You will know such wonderful peace and calm. Drift slowly, just drift. You have never known such calm. There is nothing else but this moment right now as you float along through our woods, passing by our trunks and our lower branches; just right now. You will know when it's your time to relax and center yourself with one of us. Walk slowly and quietly, paying attention to the sounds and the breath of Mother Earth. Quietly, very quietly and very slowly, when you are ready, walk up to one of us and touch our bark. Close your eyes with both hands on the tree and sing praises about yourself, such as: I am beautiful, I am benevolent, I am divine, I am love, and so forth. Then become silent. Move slowly to the ground next to us and lie down on the soft carpet of needles. You may lie flat or sit with your back against the tree. Stretch your arms out, then bring them back to your sides. It is now time to day dream. Dream only of pleasant things. You may hold your attention on the gentle sounds of the forest, such as the wind or animals. If you find your attention drifting among the trees, do so. If you find yourself in another realm, let go and allow it. Stay and dream with us for as long as you wish. While you do so, we will envelope you with a joyous, blissful energy. You may stay in this blissful state with us as long as you wish. It is up to you. When you have completed your dream and it's time to move on, we would suggest walking quietly for awhile afterwards among all of our friends as you bring yourself back to your body. (End of meditation)

We are happy to have you sit with us while you experience states of bliss and joy. That is the state we are in. Pure joy and bliss. We know it can be difficult for some of the humans to sit still, leave your distractions, and even believe you deserve to be in such a state. It is who you are. You are not your distractions. You are not what the world says you are. You are bliss and joy. You are us, only with the ability to move around. What you feel from us--the quiet, the joy, the stateliness, the pride, the majesty--that is also you. You are all of this as your natural state. And if you admire our beauty, you are admiring your own beauty. Our message is a very simple one. There comes nothing very complex or intellectual from us. We are a family. We ask you to celebrate your majesty with us as you feel guided. Thank you. The Family of Siberian Spruce 

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