Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Day Meditation Walk

It was a quiet and peaceful day at the 
North Chagrin Reservation in Willoughby Hills, Ohio.
A great day for a walking meditation with the trees.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Message from the Tree People -- Autumn 2016

"Welcome A New Light" **
(A Channeled Message from The Tree People through Doug Davis

We are the Tree People. We come to you with great feeling and joy and we shower you with love and kindness. We stand tall and ask you to stand proudly with us as part of our community of conscious beings. Our love pours out to you and our beloved planet upon which we rest and grow and draw nourishment. As we are connected to everything--to the mind and nervous system of Mother Earth, to the potential of all energies, and to the consciousness of all beings, we are able to discern what is immediately ahead on the planet for our human companions as they continue to work toward their collective evolution.  

As we approach the end of your current period of time you refer to as 2016, and soon begin another cycle called 2017, we sense a great energy building. The coming cycle will see the energies of love, community, and truth blossoming forth unlike we've known them before. We are seeing increased waves of love coming.These waves will sweep the world and bring to the people more kindness and generosity and empathy for one another. Love will pour forth from the collective hearts of humanity and ​the​ trees will witness the expansion of your auric fields. The planet and all kingdoms of life upon it will benefit from this.  

In addition, more truth about your world and its citizens will usher forth with increased frequency. Much more that has been hidden by those in charge will continue to be exposed. We feel this in our beings and in the vibrations of the soil and planet, and we feel this from you, the humans. It will be almost daily, non-stop. Also, the truth of each individual's life plan and purpose will be right there for each of you to face and feel. You won't be able to deny it.  And it will be extremely difficult for you to work and play and live any type of life that is not your ​path. You will feel great resistance, great stress and such unhappiness, and you may become ill. Look at us, the Trees. Do we not live our truth? Do we not live each day as who we are? We are happy and joyful. We love our lives and we love this planet. We are Love and Truth. We witness humans who do not live their truth or ​follow their hearts, and they are sick. In the coming year, living your truth and following your heart and your bliss will mean happiness and radiant health. Do not live someone else's truth or follow someone else's plan for you. Live free and in joy!  

Look at us and how we grow. Do we not need one another? Do we not care for each other? Are we not connected to the planet and to each other and to you, the humans? As we help the others in our community, we help ourselves. More of this will be practiced in the coming cycle of time. It has to because it is who you are. You are "Community". You are the Web of Life. You are all related and connected to each other and to all life, including us, the Tree People. In ​the coming year, you will begin to truly know you are not alone and separate. You will begin to feel a brighter light shining within you and see a brighter landscape. You will begin to see the light in others.

We feel a change in the Sun coming next year. We would not say exactly that it is getting bigger, but its influence will be much greater. It will appear brighter and, at the same time, give the feeling that it's softer and friendlier. The Sun Being will be offering its increased positive energies to further assist with the upliftment of humanity. You will be able to speak to it, if you wish. Many who are more attuned to the natural world will feel something different about the Sun as they walk around outside. It will beam forth higher vibrational particles of light designed to "light you up" and to make it so you cannot hide from yourself anymore, so you can no longer bury or deny who you are within. Who you are must come out. What you came here to do must be fulfilled. The New Light from the Sun will be a wonderful and extraordinary experience to some, while disconcerting for those who still want to control and deny their feelings and inner promptings. Those who welcome the New Light and New Energy will feel as though they are waking up in the morning for the first time, opening their eyes for the first time and feeling wonderfully alive and ready to truly live!  The Sun Being will support you in the fulfillment of your grand purpose, as will your guides and masters, as will Mother Earth and the Tree People. 

​In the year to come, more of the humans will find it in their hearts to connect with us. You will sit on the ground above our roots and at our trunks to meditate or simply to be with us. Or perhaps you will lie on your back and look up at our green branches. Some will go even further and peer into our spirits. They will see a resplendent being beyond the physical form, a shimmering light. And what is this shimmering light? It is the soul of the tree, ​its eternal spirit. Some of you will observe a very thin line connecting your human body with this shimmering essence and recognize immediately the grand connection between​ you and the trees. With great anticipation, We, the Trees, are looking forward to this new understanding and connection with you in 2017. A doorway is opening! 

In 2017, some of you will say, "What is happening here? Why am I being called to a different geographical area? Why is this far away place calling to me? Should I go?  Perhaps I should investigate!"  In the coming cycle of time, if you haven't already, you will feel more of a stirring within your heart than ever before. If you are feeling called to the mountains, the ocean, the forest or desert-- you must go because Love is calling you there. ​Whatever Love is urging you to do, you will be shown the way. Do not force anything, however. Let the journey take you in its right time.

We, the Tree Beings, are seeing a greater and higher Light and expansion of Love on the planet for 2017. You will not be told about this through your technology. You must go to Nature and into the Great Silence to feel this for yourself. You will love what your inner being is telling you!

**This channeling is published in the Sedona Journal Predictions issue -- Nov/Dec 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

My Favorite Trees for Meditation

Hemlock tree on the Cedar River, Adirondack Mts.
HEMLOCK -- Extremely wise and spiritually evolved trees with very high cosmic consciousness energy that feels so uplifting.  In the presence of Hemlock I always feel like I'm in a different world. 

SPRUCE -- A great conduit for cosmic consciousness energy. They have a light, loving, and happy energy and they want to help you with healing issues. You will probably feel inspired and lifted up like I do.  I am immediately drawn to Spruce and they are my favorite trees to paint. 

OAK -- Deeply rooted and grounded, great wisdom and healing energy; a very solid tree with masculine energy. Holds great spiritual strength and vast knowledge of the planet.

Red Maple, Birch, Spruce
WHITE BIRCH -- I am immediately drawn to this tree; it has helped me to be clear, and a great tree for channeling and contacting my Higher Self. Has high, light, feminine energy.

PINE -- A very strong tree both physically and spiritually, but feels like a gentle giant. It is comfortable to be with and lifts me up right away into a higher vibration. It is the bearer of so much wisdom and healing energy.

COTTONWOOD -- A good tree for accessing the knowledge held within the Earth. The spirit of this tree likes to dance in the sunlight and come out of its body at night and play. A good tree to just close your eyes and be with on a warm summer's day. 

RED MAPLE -- Likes to light up the sky with its joy and bright fall colors. A good tree for getting visions and generally feeling uplifted.

APPLE  -- This tree is so happy to see people and wants you to sit with it. It sings a very high, joyous tune. It loves attention and calls you to come over. Wants to share its fruit and its shade. It will help you be inspired!

Blue Spruce

Friday, July 15, 2016

Trees of Summer 2016

Japanese Red Maple / Gibraltar, Michigan
Photo by Mary Hedglin

Meditation Bench between the Trees
Indian Lake, New York / Adirondack Mountains

Pine Trees looking out over a quiet lake
Town of Indian Lake
Adirondack Mountains, NY

Full Solstice Moon / June 20
Heaven in the Woods Healing Sanctuary
Sandy Lake, PA

The Harry Potter Tree
Heaven in the Woods Healing Sanctuary
Sandy Lake, PA

Pine trees
Town of Indian Lake
Adirondack Mountains, NY

to be continued...

Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Gathering in the Trees

Summer Solstice Conference -- June 17-19, 2016
Warren Light Center 2 -- Heaven in the Woods Healing Sanctuary
Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania

Melodie Peterson (left) reading her message from the Fairy Tree

Lynn Weaver giving messages at the Aporcee

Melodie Peterson

Pilar teaching at the Labyrinth

Shirley displaying a painting of Don Anderson

Meditation service at the Labyrinth

Full Solstice Moon - June 20

"Aporcee" in Shirley's Woods
Shirley says this completes the circuit.

The Conference Cake

Pilar speaking at the Aporcee

Shirley speaking at the Aporcee

Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Fairy Tree

Sketch by Bettie Mavity

This is the original message I received from The Fairy Tree (October 2013) at the entrance to Shirley's Woods in western Pennsylvania. (One of its huge limbs came crashing to the Earth on June 16, 2016, during a surprise 'micro-burst' windstorm).  It is a very big old Sugar Maple with lots of energy. When I placed my hands on its huge trunk I could feel it moving and undulating against my palms with waves of energy. I've never experienced this before with any tree! 

"It is magical here and energetic. I feel energized and renewed. I never give up. I send out waves of energy in concentric circles to help everyone move into ecstatic beingness. That is where I am at this point. I am inhabited by many spirits. They give me a lot of energy and personality. The spirits were dancing inside me that day and so was I. That is what you felt. Moving in Joy. Colors giving off Colors in Waves. Dancing with Energy."

"Whoever enters these woods will dance a thousand dances. You will move with style. What was that you were thinking? --it will come right into your face and you will know the truth. To all who enter here: be ready to confront yourself and be ready to dance in joy. That is why you feel so good here. It is a fairy dance. They are lively here; watch out, they may tickle you! You have to watch yourself. To all who enter into this woods: if you are not pure of heart, you will wonder what is happening to you. Something won't feel right and you will turn around and run out as fast as you can. Fairies and spirits look out my windows or sit on my branches. They know who is wise and who is not. They know who is of the heart. They know who you are. They are lively, this bunch! Even an old owl sits with me, not in his costume, and he hoots and hollers and practically springs a leak when he is excited." 

"As for me, I am old and getting older, but I find it all very amusing and I am constantly making adjustments to stay here. I can laugh long and hard you know. I don't want to go yet. It's really too much fun you know. I have life-long friends. The spirits are very adaptable to me and my humor. If you want to talk to me you better have a sense of humor. I can out-do you in the humor department. So, if you should see me dancing at night, don't be surprised, it's in my nature. Nobody ever said I was stuck here. I love coming out of my skin! Joyous times to all."  

The Fairy Tree (through Doug Davis) 

Melodie Peterson (left) reading her message from the Fairy Tree

Friday, April 29, 2016

Shirley's Sedona Tree

This was "Shirley Baum's tree" in Sedona, AZ, while she was there this past winter. Her tree spoke to her: "I feel exuberant to be here. I feel blessed and privileged. Shirley has several spirit guides helping and guiding her. I've seen them! They stay around here and they come in and out of the house. I've seen them walking down the street."
"I am energized by the red rocks here. It is a feeling of love. When Shirley leaves this area, she will have more love to be her guide. The rocks are bringing it out, as is her willingness to be available to this energy. The rocks here bring more love out in the trees and the people. The rocks are conscious and there is communication between the plants and rocks."
"In general, the people here in Sedona are very wonderful. I am sometimes admired or spoken to and I enjoy it. I have a good life here. It is peaceful except for the cars. More goes on here than the humans are aware of. There's a lot that goes on at night in the sky, and there are a lot of spirits walking around here all day and night. It's a busy area. Thank you for your attention and interest!"

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The President

I received this message from the giant Sequoia tree in California known as The President.

Love is how I got to be this tall. I am a testament to love. I know when the Earth is going to move. I know the Earth well. She means everything to me. She is our life blood. As much energy flows through me in a day as flows in and out of a small city. There is enough light in you, in your true state, to light up the entire planet.
It is not "I", it is "We". "We" is much closer to describing you or me than "I". There is no "I". "I" brings a sense of separation. "We" brings a connection. We are together. We are insightful. We are inseparable.
Don't be weighed down by life. Be free. Always look up, always look on the bright side. Look to the Sun for inspiration. Look to yourself for love and freedom. Be light of Spirit always.

The President

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Treescapes near Ithaca, NY (Land Between the Lakes)

Autumn at the Meditation Tree 

Fall trees at Bostwick Road 

"Trees in the Backyard" 

Photographs by Sarolta Defaltay, Enfield, NY