Published in the January 2015 issue of Sedona Journal)
Doug: Do trees have a sense of humor?
Along the Hudson River, near North Creek |
Trees: Oh, my goodness, yes we do have a sense of humor! However, the human may not recognize it. My goodness we have to laugh! We sometimes come out of our skins at night and we dance and we play and act silly. We love the night. It is our play time. We are not sure why you are all so serious about your lives. You know, you are here to play and have joy, so why the long faces? We encourage you to sit with us a bit every morning, then you'll find the rest of the day will be much more fun and playful, and definitely not so serious. You will not get to the higher states of consciousness many of you want to achieve without a sense of humor. It is really OK to laugh your way into Enlightenment!
Doug: How do we connect with you?
Trees: We are a doorway to a higher realm of thought, belief, and experience. You can simply allow this doorway to open. You don't look for it; rather, you know in your heart this doorway is generally available to you to enter whenever you wish. It is required of you to be thoughtful and respectful as you stand or walk among us, and to maintain an open heart. It is also necessary for you to be in a state of peace and stillness. You then simply ask, "may I enter your domain, please?" If we know you to be genuine, you will be invited to enter. Find a comfortable spot and just breathe and be still. You will know you have entered when a quiet serenity overtakes you and all of your worries and thoughts are gone. Once you're truly connected, you will experience your life before you as a masterful creator, you will have clarity as never before; and you will sense a glorious oneness, one that you will continue to feel after your meditation has been completed. Ideas may also begin to flow. A healing on some level of your being will likely take place. You may or may not feel it happening while in the solemn connection with us. It may occur on your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual level, or all of them. It is something you may experience immediately or within several days or weeks of your connection. We wish to have a relationship with you on the levels of love, respect, appreciation, and oneness of spirit. This is what we ask from you. It is important for you to remember who you are while in your physical experience. We can assist with this while you are in sacred communion with us.

Doug: Can you explain further about the healing trees can do?
Trees: People can experience a healing through us if they are open to it. We do not heal directly; rather, it is the level of energy and consciousness that affects the individual. As the human sits with us in loving and sacred communion, he or she may experience a great explosion of love and a joyous vibration and a unique stillness. It is a different wave of energy and consciousness the average human is unaccustomed to. If this frequency is consistently practiced, no disease or disharmony can exist or remain in your bodies. You cannot go up to a tree and say, 'heal me!' You can, however, ask to enter our domain and allow time for your body and mind to readjust to this wave of higher light and joy.
Doug: What should I teach about trees?
Trees: That we are live, sentient beings and we are connected to you. When you destroy us, you destroy a part of yourselves. When you love us, you are sending love to yourselves and raising your vibration. Teach them the proper way to communicate with us. Teach them to walk among us in silent prayer and meditation. Teach them that we are one together on this magnificent planet Earth. Thank you.